Monday, October 29, 2007

WMM1 Week fourteen the 30th of October 2007

These uniforms, are in relation to 2017 – The space station is launched.The SS within the Antarctic community has been factionally divided and a coup has been staged within. Basically my character is the solider which protects the SS in the Antarctic community and the space station. Two factions were formed, one was the SS under the leadership of Zenovka and the other was called the NRS (New Reformation Society) Before the the destruction of the Dome with the MMshare controlling peoples minds. My characters job was to protect the Antarctic community, and the space station as well, occupation was a soldier.Life expectancy for them is short.Whilst the SS elite dominate the space station, where there are less environmental threats.The environment is heavily managed via MMshare, which by now has developed into a complete reality control network.

These uniforms are for camouflage in the Antarctic and space station, there are 2 types of uniforms Green and White. Both suitable for different terrains.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

WMM1 Week thirteen 23rd of October 2007

Today was our last lesson to create our tasks unfortunatley my partner was away. After reading Davids story i decided to create uniforms for the SS. So I had to discard the other designs because of the Davids theme the SS within the Antarctic community. I was pleased with the outcome of the suits. The character also has accessories such as a Helmet.

Here is the uniform that I created it represents the military.The uniform is unisex the symbols represents courage and the sleeve symbols represent the space station.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

WMM1 Twelth Week 16th October of 2007

Today's class we had Stephen we were all allocated to do as we did last week design tops and bottoms. Here are some rough ideas to what its going to look like.

Here are some bright colors so we can see the different contrasts.

Monday, October 8, 2007

WMM1 Eleventh Week 9th of October 2007

Today we were assigned to start work a nd building a space station Rene and I were assigned to design the clothing for the civilazation that will be living in the space station.

We looked up templates and decided to experiment with the costumes.
Our main objective was to create a costume for our space station here are some examples above.

Obviously theirs alot more work that needed to go into the project so more work is needed to go into the project through Photoshop We have the templates but they still need to be modified.

Monday, September 17, 2007

WMM 1 Tenth Week 18th of September 2007

We were allocated to research the look and feel of our space station:
We were assigned a task to Google images of space stations a shuttles to get the idea going.
Brain storming:
-Mix with the old and the new
-20.000 leagues under the sea

Jay and Edward suggested we create a world with spheres attached with it. So there will be main done which is for a communal purpose and private spaces for each and every character.

Monday, September 10, 2007

WMM1 Sixth Week 20th of August 2007

Created a a life character- And T-shirt design
We found a template for a t-shirt and applied our own designs to it.

Also created a belt and attached it to my character.

Downloaded a Photoshop t-shirt here and put our own designs and uploaded them into our character.

I also created a belt which we attached to our avatar.

We also talked about creating a space station

Space Station
  • Shuttle ship
  • Costume shop (eg wookie outfit)
  • Holodeck
  • Gun ship
  • Biodome
  • Elevators
  • Evil Lair
  • Bar

WMM1 Ninth Week 11th of September 2007

Today we had Dale for class Todays class we had to create a bullet and gun in Second Life.
Below you have a picture of my character with a Gun and bullet DimitriP McCaw.

My task is to research costumes for the space station theme:
Space Station
  • Shuttle ship
  • Costume shop (eg wookie outfit)
  • Holodeck
  • Gun ship
  • Biodome
  • Elevators
  • Evil Lair
  • Bar
Mine and Simons task was to research costumes for a space station world. I firstly looked at Star Trek, Starwars, Babylon 5 and Stargate

Monday, September 3, 2007

WMM1 Eighth Week 3rd of September 2007

Week 8 :: Non-linear and interactive stories. | Alternate Reality and Role Playing Games. (SS)
We looked at non-linear and interactive stories. We looked at Non Linear stories and interactive stories as well. Another aspect was Multi-Linear stories.Braided Multi-Linear,Nested Funnel story,Tree Branching story.We also looked at youtube site called Lonely Girl 15 this symbolizes a different kind of story telling. For example it was a number of series that was showed then just one whole movie. We also looked at a movie called Run Lola Run it has a multi-Linear stories.

An alternate reality game (ARG) is an interactive
narrative that uses the real world as a platform, often involving multiple media and game elements, to tell a story that may be affected by participants' ideas or actions.

The ARG industry is consistently producing multi-million-dollar games for tens of thousands of players at a time, and generating interest across the entertainment, broadcast, and advertising industries. In the last few years, successful games have received widespread recognition, winning awards from the gaming, media and broadcasting industries. As well as these critical success, there are already several businesses with long-term sustainable revenue stream

I was researching alternate realitve games and this is what I came up with:

Designed by Glenn Drover, this boardgame version of the PC hit: Age of Empires III® from Microsoft and Ensemble Studios, allows you to revisit the age of exploration and discovery. Take on the role of a colonial power seeking fame, glory and riches in the New World. As you proceed through three ages you can launch expeditions of discovery, colonize regions, expand your merchant fleet, build capital buildings that give your nation distinct advantages, develop your economy, and if necessary, declare war.

Age of Empires III: The Age of Discovery feature beautiful artwork from the PC game and from renowned artist Paul Niemeyer, but is a typical eurogame. Age of Empires III have hundreds of plastic figures, including ships, doubloons, colonists, merchants, captains, missionaries and soldiers.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

WMM1 Seventh Week 28th August

Today we had Stepehen and we looked at all different ways of wrtiting critics and looked at differnet ways of writing. We also looked at different websites that show us that. We also viewed the Movie Monkey magic from a story tellers perspective and South Park We also looked at Linear stories fro A-----to B.IN the timeline of the movie we looked at crises the climate,denouement. The greek structure or map which includes thesis,antithesis and synthesis

Heroes, people with special talents or gifts, first separate from the world, departing from their everyday life patterns. Next, the hero has an initiation into a source of power, experiencing trials and victories. Finally, the hero returns to society, bringing to it the powers gained through the mythic adventure. In reintegrating into society, the hero may be either honored or rejected by others.

The three main stages in the cycle can be broken down into smaller steps, beginning with "The Call to Adventure". The entire cycle is displayed for your enjoyment and edification.

the hero's journey : summary of the steps

This page summrarizes the brief explanations from every step of the Hero's Journey.

Monday, August 13, 2007

WMM1 Fifth Week 14th of August

Creating characters

Today we were assigned to take a photo of ourselves and creating
our second life creators as to what we want. My particular character has a black Jacket and cream pants. His medium build and olive skinned, he also has a beard. My name is DimitriP McCaw.

My Photo

As you can see this is a picture of myself you can almost tell I look nothing like my second life character which I don't mind.
Every time I connect with Second Life I appreciate it's features that it offers.

My Creation

Here is my box that I created on Second Life today we went through textures and building objects and I have to say it was alot of fun.


We were assigned to create a building under exact measurements. I was suprised how simple the tools were to use.

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

WMM1 Fourth Week 7th of August


You will find attached my bucket being built from Second Life.Here is a screen shot

Motorcycle World

Today we were allocated to log on our won in Second Life we had to visit 3 venues in Second Life and write a small review on each.

The first venue I selected was Motorbike, when I first entered i realised there was a motor track buldings of all sorts such as Car show rooms, Police stations, Motor garages etc. It also included some kind of force fields to some of the buildings such as the police station you need special access to enter.

Tropical Beach

The second view that I visited was a tropical beach it had all of the above Shops a beach strip with cafes and shops and of course a beautiful beach it was buzzing with players it also included a park which had parks trees and water fountains.Visually it looked really good.


The third world that I entered was called Al anti1 it basically was some sort of room which included motorcycles, show room cars and of course nude pictures of ladies covered on all rooms of the complex. I think this site was for mature audiences.

Here we did some brain storming they consisted of:

Point of difference
*Prehistoric theme
*Historical tombs
*Changing land
*Ancient times

Monday, July 30, 2007

WMM 1 Third Week 31st July

Dear Journal,
Today we looked at nouns,verbs,sentences, paragraphs,punctuation and web for writing we also did a quick creative writing exercise to UN- numb our brains.Also did some character brain storming exercises, Which is below this;

My Postcard Exercise Creative Writing.

It was a Luke warm night, it was airy and warm when I looked up into the clouds the moon was luminous and full. The scene was like a painted picture, over yonder there was a lighthouse just over by the rocks. The light glowing through the thick fog, on and off, on and off just over behind the lighthouse was a cottage surrounded in thick tall trees towering over the cottage.The cottage looked inviting and warm just like a storybook, the kinda story book your mum used to read to you as a child, before going to bed.

The tribe stared to dance in tune with the drums, a thumping sound that vibrated through my body. A sound which was unexplainable it was vibrating through my body but the sound was so in depth it touched my soul.As the drums were beating I almost felt familiar with this sound like it was from an ancient entity from the early ages.

Character Kit

* Super-objective (what is your aim in life?) Creating a lighthouse
* I see myself as (five words) learning ,obtaining.absorbing,having fun.
* if I were a car/food item/alcoholic drink/sport/action hero/animal I would be a.....
* I dress to accentuate my.....
* I dress to hide my.....
* I lead with my....(body part)
* My idea of a good night is......
* My idea of a bad night is.....
* I value my best friend because they.....
* Favourite book/film/TV show/music/web site
* Relaxing means.....

I see a middle aged about 46 guy whos unemployed enjoys a beer as well.I also love loud music and love women.My nick name is Spud.I'm short hairy and butt ugly.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

WMM1 First Week 17th of July

The first week We meet our teachers Dale and Stefan, we looked at the word multimedia and looked at the definition and what connects to multimedia and what do we associate with it. We were also showed the program of Second Life, it was very intresting and very futuristic it was good. Hopefully it will be a great learning experience.

WMM1 Second week 24th of July

Today we looked at web 2.0 and the future direction of the internet and where it is heading by 2014, also more in depth we looked at Second Life for example we observed the different platforms that second life has to offer such as beach's cities and towns.

We were all allocated and assigned to creating a new world , we brainstormed various things as in buildings and things which make a up a civilisation I was assigned in creating a lighthouse I'm excited in whats yet to come in using Second Life.

-A secret is something that is personal to a person.
-A secret is can not be told by a person.
-A secret is private.
-A secret can be something very personal.
-Something kept from others
-Dependably discreet
-Not expressed
-Known or shared by the intiatited
- Containing information
-Something kept hidden from others
-Operated in a hidden or confidential matter.