Monday, July 30, 2007

WMM 1 Third Week 31st July

Dear Journal,
Today we looked at nouns,verbs,sentences, paragraphs,punctuation and web for writing we also did a quick creative writing exercise to UN- numb our brains.Also did some character brain storming exercises, Which is below this;

My Postcard Exercise Creative Writing.

It was a Luke warm night, it was airy and warm when I looked up into the clouds the moon was luminous and full. The scene was like a painted picture, over yonder there was a lighthouse just over by the rocks. The light glowing through the thick fog, on and off, on and off just over behind the lighthouse was a cottage surrounded in thick tall trees towering over the cottage.The cottage looked inviting and warm just like a storybook, the kinda story book your mum used to read to you as a child, before going to bed.

The tribe stared to dance in tune with the drums, a thumping sound that vibrated through my body. A sound which was unexplainable it was vibrating through my body but the sound was so in depth it touched my soul.As the drums were beating I almost felt familiar with this sound like it was from an ancient entity from the early ages.

Character Kit

* Super-objective (what is your aim in life?) Creating a lighthouse
* I see myself as (five words) learning ,obtaining.absorbing,having fun.
* if I were a car/food item/alcoholic drink/sport/action hero/animal I would be a.....
* I dress to accentuate my.....
* I dress to hide my.....
* I lead with my....(body part)
* My idea of a good night is......
* My idea of a bad night is.....
* I value my best friend because they.....
* Favourite book/film/TV show/music/web site
* Relaxing means.....

I see a middle aged about 46 guy whos unemployed enjoys a beer as well.I also love loud music and love women.My nick name is Spud.I'm short hairy and butt ugly.

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