Tuesday, August 28, 2007

WMM1 Seventh Week 28th August

Today we had Stepehen and we looked at all different ways of wrtiting critics and looked at differnet ways of writing. We also looked at different websites that show us that. We also viewed the Movie Monkey magic from a story tellers perspective and South Park We also looked at Linear stories fro A-----to B.IN the timeline of the movie we looked at crises the climate,denouement. The greek structure or map which includes thesis,antithesis and synthesis

Heroes, people with special talents or gifts, first separate from the world, departing from their everyday life patterns. Next, the hero has an initiation into a source of power, experiencing trials and victories. Finally, the hero returns to society, bringing to it the powers gained through the mythic adventure. In reintegrating into society, the hero may be either honored or rejected by others.

The three main stages in the cycle can be broken down into smaller steps, beginning with "The Call to Adventure". The entire cycle is displayed for your enjoyment and edification.

the hero's journey : summary of the steps

This page summrarizes the brief explanations from every step of the Hero's Journey.


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