Monday, July 30, 2007

WMM 1 Third Week 31st July

Dear Journal,
Today we looked at nouns,verbs,sentences, paragraphs,punctuation and web for writing we also did a quick creative writing exercise to UN- numb our brains.Also did some character brain storming exercises, Which is below this;

My Postcard Exercise Creative Writing.

It was a Luke warm night, it was airy and warm when I looked up into the clouds the moon was luminous and full. The scene was like a painted picture, over yonder there was a lighthouse just over by the rocks. The light glowing through the thick fog, on and off, on and off just over behind the lighthouse was a cottage surrounded in thick tall trees towering over the cottage.The cottage looked inviting and warm just like a storybook, the kinda story book your mum used to read to you as a child, before going to bed.

The tribe stared to dance in tune with the drums, a thumping sound that vibrated through my body. A sound which was unexplainable it was vibrating through my body but the sound was so in depth it touched my soul.As the drums were beating I almost felt familiar with this sound like it was from an ancient entity from the early ages.

Character Kit

* Super-objective (what is your aim in life?) Creating a lighthouse
* I see myself as (five words) learning ,obtaining.absorbing,having fun.
* if I were a car/food item/alcoholic drink/sport/action hero/animal I would be a.....
* I dress to accentuate my.....
* I dress to hide my.....
* I lead with my....(body part)
* My idea of a good night is......
* My idea of a bad night is.....
* I value my best friend because they.....
* Favourite book/film/TV show/music/web site
* Relaxing means.....

I see a middle aged about 46 guy whos unemployed enjoys a beer as well.I also love loud music and love women.My nick name is Spud.I'm short hairy and butt ugly.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

WMM1 First Week 17th of July

The first week We meet our teachers Dale and Stefan, we looked at the word multimedia and looked at the definition and what connects to multimedia and what do we associate with it. We were also showed the program of Second Life, it was very intresting and very futuristic it was good. Hopefully it will be a great learning experience.

WMM1 Second week 24th of July

Today we looked at web 2.0 and the future direction of the internet and where it is heading by 2014, also more in depth we looked at Second Life for example we observed the different platforms that second life has to offer such as beach's cities and towns.

We were all allocated and assigned to creating a new world , we brainstormed various things as in buildings and things which make a up a civilisation I was assigned in creating a lighthouse I'm excited in whats yet to come in using Second Life.

-A secret is something that is personal to a person.
-A secret is can not be told by a person.
-A secret is private.
-A secret can be something very personal.
-Something kept from others
-Dependably discreet
-Not expressed
-Known or shared by the intiatited
- Containing information
-Something kept hidden from others
-Operated in a hidden or confidential matter.